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About Me

About Me

My Credentials

  • Owner - B3 Strength and Conditioning
  • 10+ Years Personal Training Experience
  • CSCS; Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
  • ISSA; Certified Fitness Trainer
  • ISSA; Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • ISSA; Certified Sports Nutrition Coach
  • Bachelor's Degree; Assumption College 13'
  • BC Academy; StrongLifting - Level 1


My passion for fitness began at a very early age from the time I became involved in athletics. Coming from a sports-driven family, I was a three sport athlete (football, basketball and baseball) from my youth years throughout high school. My father, Tom was also a standout athlete and the driving force behind my athletic career. He was there every step of the way to push me from coaching at almost every level to driving me to practices/games all over New England. He is the reason I am where I am today and I can’t thank him enough for being not only the best Dad, but the ultimate role model as well.

(South County Pop Warner 99')

After a successful high school career in football, winning the school's first Super Bowl title my Junior year, I went on to the University of Rhode Island where I continued to play football as well as follow my passion for fitness with a major in Kinesiology. I always knew even after college I would continue down the path of fitness because that was always my lifelong dream.

(Assumption College Senior Year 13')

After a year at URI, my future took a different path when I transferred to Assumption College. I continued to play football there for the rest of my college career, but my academics took a drastic change. Knowing I could always get my certificates in training (whatever they may be) and possibly go back to school, I decided to study Sociology with a minor in Criminology. I imagined that being involved in the criminal justice field would provide me job stability longterm as well as the flexibility to continue my involvement with fitness.

(Shepherd Hill High School Senior Year 09')

After graduating from Assumption, I accepted a job with the Department of Justice in Lowell, MA at a revocation center for youths. There, I worked with troubled young adults and helped them get on a better path to success in life. From there, my goal was to go on and become a state police officer because it seemed like a stable plan... but boy was I wrong! About a year and a half later, I was itching to get back into the fitness world so I went back to school online to complete my first personal training certification. From there, I was hired by Boston Sports Clubs in Wayland, MA with my first personal training job in 2014. After juggling both jobs for almost 6 months, my wife, Julie (girlfriend at the time) persuaded me to pursue my passion and dive into personal training full time. Fast forward 6 years, and I became one of the top trainers in the Boston region as well as the company for BSC.

(Assumption College Senior Year 13')

Then 2020 happened. After becoming jobless at the beginning of 2020, I was determined to NEVER give up on my dreams of one day opening up my own facility. Throughout that year, I worked tirelessly to keep the majority of my clients training, whether it be through online zoom sessions, in-person sessions at clients’ homes, or in my garage where I created a pretty awesome training facility (I dub this my first “official gym”). I was always going to persevere no matter what it took. And that's how the first B3 Strength and Conditioning studio was born. An opportunity towards the end of 2020 came up and I immediately jumped on it. I will forever remember the year 2020, not just for what it was, but for what I made it into. I was not going to remain jobless and not know what my next step would be for the first time in my life. Instead, I figured it out and made it into the best year of my life.

(First offical "Gym" in my garage 20')

In my new facility, I want to put that same energy and drive for success into each and every client who walks through my doors. Training is my life; It’s what I think about when I get up in the morning and before going to bed. I love working with all different types of clients, from adolescents to the elderly and everyone in between. People succeed because I care, and all I ask is that when you come in to train with me, you care just as much about yourself.

(B3 Studio 21')

Contact me now to start your training!

© 2020 B3 Strength and Conditioning

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